
what Clients are saying...

The Awaken Your Authentic Self program-module 1- was the stepping stone I needed to get out of my comfort zone and out of my head. It has given me the tools and techniques to develop a practice that brings more balance and self-empowerment into my life.
It was a wonderful experience to work with Sharon, she teaches with such passion & love, her genuine kindness and support was much appreciated.

Pamela, Bay Roberts, NL

I had just moved to the Carbonear and was having a difficult time adjusting due to so many changes in my life. I happened to see Sharon’s page on Facebook and was quite interested in trying Women’s Circle in hope of meeting new friends and fellowship. My first session was amazing; I felt supported and understood by Sharon and the women in attendance. Sharon also did some Meditation and a Sound Bath session, which were a first for me. I absolutely loved the positive energy, the calmness, and peace that Sharon brings to it. She is so compassionate and encouraging, and she has a natural, warm personality that make you feel so relaxed and encouraged to self heal. A testament to her passion of helping women; she has even offered free Women’s circles once a week at Carbonear Food Bank! I hope to try Reiki in the near future as I continue my journey of self awareness. I highly recommend Sharon at LeShane Seaside Vitality!

V Green, Carbonear, NL

“Sharon Doyle LeShane is a true healer with a powerful sense of compassion, love and even some humor to offer her clients. Her sound circles with her crystal bowls and gentle chanting voice will smooth away your stresses and leave you feeling refreshed.

Her workshops are full of amazing information. Sharon really knows her stuff and she loves to share her knowledge of useful life giving advice with us all. She is a real encyclopedia of useful spiritual information.
I highly recommend all of her services.”
Monica Piotrowski, South River, NL

“For many years I have struggled with finding myself, knowing the real me and letting my true self shine that it lead me in a very dark direction. I felt isolated from everyone and a disconnect from my physical and mental self. I searched the internet for help, tried this and that but nothing worked nothing seemed to fill the void in my life, I knew I was not being good to myself and brought around a lot of negativity which in turn turned to self doubt and overthinking. To say I hit rock bottom and felt I had no where to turn is an understatement.

In a last ditched effort I searched the internet and found Leshane Seaside Vitality. I read the website and out of the blue a voice said you need to make an appointment and I did. I reached out to Sharon and on the first day I met her I knew she would be the one that would help me to open my eyes and come back to life. Our first meeting was so uplifting. Her gentle soul, kindness, and genuine personality made me stop and realize that life is beautiful and I am beautiful. I am so grateful for that first step and the guidance that sent me to see Sharon.
I have completed the first module in Awakening your Authentic Self and recommend anyone that feels lost, disconnected or just unsure to take this course, you won’t regret doing so.
Sharon is truly a healer, guider and spiritual leader that will open your eyes and heart to love and light. She has helped me be a better person and I am so grateful for our friendship.”
BT, Hands Harbour, NL

“I just completed Awaken Your Authentic Self  – Module 1 – Illuminate Your Inner light with Sharon at LeShane’s Seaside Vitality. It is an excellent program and I highly recommend it for anyone who is feeling lost, broken, or looking for a sense of purpose. No matter what your struggles are, this program can help.

As you progress through the program, you will start to see things in a different light.
The weekly modules are easy to understand and implement. Learning how to clear my chakras was something that I wanted to learn for a very long time and thanks to Sharon, I now know how to do this properly and I am seeing the benefits.
Everyday is a day worth working on yourself.
Sheri Lynn Lundrigan, Georgetown, NL
“I have struggled with mental health issues most of my life. My journey began with engaging in mainstream society, therapeutic counseling. With the help of that therapy and mindfulness practices, I began to build skills that helped me to cope with every day life challenges.
I now realize that all of that work led me to the most beautiful healing soul, Sharon Doyle LeShane. I’ve taken two of her Awaken Your Authentic Self modules and as a spiritual healer she has taught and is guiding me through the next part of my journey.
Sharon has been instrumental in significantly improving my life and healing my soul.
Just recently I had a Reiki session with her, and to say she has angelic healing hands is the only way to describe her. My goal in this stage of my life is to find joy, peace, and laughter.
I am so thankful for Sharon and her beautiful, healing spirit, helping me to achieve those goals. Namaste!”
Cynthia, Carbonear, NL

“Sharon’s Reiki sessions are a journey in themselves. The healing energy felt in these sessions is out of this world. It’s exhilarating and calming at the same time. I have thoroughly enjoyed every session and look forward to the wonderful benefits these sessions provide me and the new and different experience each session provides.

Most recently I was lucky enough to attend her new course called Awaken Your Authentic Self and to say it was transformative and life changing is an understatement. Sharon teaches a plethora of techniques and skills in this class that helps with the daily stresses and anxiety of life. The class was very informal but structured just the same. Sharon always made sure everyone had time to share about their week and express themselves. She had an amazing way of tailoring the course to all our specific needs and created a safe space where strangers became like family. It was eye opening to learn about our Chakras and feel the benefits of cleansing each chakra and identifying when one may be blocked. I have grown as a person leaps and bounds.

Sharon has a gift and her ability to help foster so much growth in another person is truly amazing. The 12 weeks in this course helped me feel the best I have felt in years and I look forward to continuing my journey with Sharon at Leshane Seaside Vitality.

Sharon I cannot thank you enough for helping me get out of my head and get deep into my heart and soul. I am beyond grateful to be living in the present and no longer in the future or the past. Thank you for helping me on my journey to become the best version of me.  Much love and light to you!”

Jennifer Baker, Victoria, Newfoundland

“Mediation with Sharon is always a positive experience and reduces the mind chatter. It is a must try for anyone experiencing anxiety.  She guides you on a journey into the unknown, a different experience each time and for each person, as we are all unique individuals. The setting is warm and inviting and she holds a safe space for all to share.  Her tone of voice is calm and relaxing as she helps you feel into your body and heart and get out of your mind.

Reiki with Sharon helps you relax, feel comfortable and gets the energy moving. The surroundings feel sacred, warm and inviting. She is fully present in your session as she moves the energy gently through your body. After my first session with Sharon, I did notice a shift in my energy but also felt calm and enjoyed a deep relaxation. After about 4 sessions I had a major shift of energy.  A river of tears flowed as my body was releasing past stuck energies and emotions.  I felt free and happy with myself for the first time in my life.  Everyone will have a different experience since it will depend on how open the individual is to receive. Reiki sessions are a wonderful tool for anyone dealing with stuck emotions and past traumas.

I completed Reiki training for Level 1 with Sharon and the experience was wonderful. It was easy to see she is a teacher because she guided the classroom with ease. She was able to help any student understand what is difficult to describe. I plan to train in Reiki Level 2 when Sharon offers it again.  I loved her teaching skills, her time management and the interaction with like minded souls during our snack breaks. Sharon is definitely your #1 teacher for Reiki and for any other of the courses she has to offer. I feel all individuals would get something from reiki training even if your not interested in doing it as a business. It’s worth while to help yourself and your loved ones.”

Tammy Lynn, Lower Island Cove, Newfoundland

“I have been blessed to know Sharon for some time now. Our paths have crossed in numerous different aspects of life and I’ve always loved her upbeat, positive, caring energy and knew from the moment I met her she was a genuine soul.

I have been on my own personal journey of growth and spirituality since the passing of my mom in 2018 and had attended mediation classes with Sharon with another practitioner, it was there I saw Sharon transition from the student to the teacher. I was not one bit surprised when I heard Sharon was opening her own practice to help others on their journeys. Coincidently enough the news came just as I was told my coach I had been working with for 4 years was closing her practice and moving out of province. Coincidence, I don’t think so. I think everything happens it life as it should and Sharon now plays a tremendous role in guiding me through the next part of my journey.

Sharon is a breath of fresh air and her meditation classes are just that. They are led with such honesty, insight and integrity. The atmosphere is relaxing open, friendly and nonjudgmental. Sharon’s meditations are not pre meditated, scripted or rehearsed. She is very good at reading the room and sensing what the group needs. She is intuitive and takes the group on a guided journey of peace and enlightenment. With Sharon’s guidance I have been able to grow immensely in my meditation practices and quiet my mind for a deeper and more powerful experience.

Sharon is a true light worker and it’s an absolute blessing to know her.”

Jennifer Baker, Victoria, Newfoundland

Awaken your Authentic Self facilitated by Sharon was 12 weeks of enlightenment. I had been working on my personal growth but sharing this experience brings it to a new level.  Learning how to clear your chakras and release your energy was powerful. Mostly the practice of releasing what doesn’t serve is very powerful and the letting go of what I can’t control helps me to be in the present.

Your guidance every step of the way helped me move forward and the program made me aware and helped me understand what I was already feeling.  I truly enjoyed my time with Sharon and our group of lightworkers.”

Margie Wilcox, Western Bay, Newfoundland

“Awaken your authentic self showed me I have control over what happens in my life.  The instruction and guidance was fabulous. Thank you Sharon for your guidance and helping me illuminate the light I didn’t know I had.

I was skeptical about reiki, but when you worked your magic it was unreal. I am a believer!”
Ann Marie Delaney, Broad Cove, Newfoundland

Sharon has created such a warm, relaxing safe space for anyone that enters it. You immediately feel welcome, accepted and appreciated. Her meditation sessions are awesome, and there is always time for a chat afterwards. 

Sharon’s Reiki sessions are not only relaxing but healing. You WILL come away from even one session feeling energized! I’m so glad a friend recommended Sharon to me. Not only have I found an unexpected wellness gem in Carbonear, but I’ve also gained a new friendship in the process.”

A.M, Carbonear, Newfoundland

“A beautiful evening in calming, non-judgmental atmosphere, where by our host Sharon attentively guides us thru a practice of meditation that motivates and develops our inner well being”

D. Penney, Carbonear, Newfoundland

“I’ve been blessed to be working alongside Sharon since May 2022 and decided in September to also become her student and client.  She creates a beautiful and safe space for everyone to come together to heal, grow and connect. She truly has a genuine passion to help others be their authentic self and be healthy in mind, heart and spirit.”

Jen Ellsworth, Carbonear, Newfoundland

“I enrolled in Sharon’s “Awaken Your Authentic Self“ course out of  curiosity and had only a very basic knowledge and understanding of Chakras. I have learned and experienced so much about the energy centres of our body and how to channel that energy to promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

I enjoyed every aspect of this very well designed course by Sharon from the educational information, the exercises, the discussions, the connection with like minded individuals and of coarse her delicious energy balls!! I really did learn and experience so much in the program/course and I’m excited to deepen my knowledge and experience in module 2.

The program was very well put together and balanced with an excellent combination of information and experience through meditation, visualization and sound. I especially loved the singing bowls. Sharon has a really wonderful way of drawing people out and the discussions were valuable. I also appreciated her flexibility, non-judgmental approach, enthusiasm and humour.”

Wanda Nicholson, Freshwater, Newfoundland

“Awaken Your Authentic Self was introduced to me at the perfect time and I truly feel it was meant to happen this way! I was at a place in my life where my path was unknown and life had become a little mundane. But this course gave me a new and brighter outlook on life. It gave me a routine that I desperately needed in my life to bring calmness and balance that I was never used to!

I have struggled with anxiety and this course aided me in developing a new strategy that worked wonders for me. As well before this course I felt a little alone in life but being a part of this course made me aware that I’m never alone and Sharon provided a very safe space with like minded people to share this life changing experience.

I was a little skeptical of Reiki energy healing prior to my first session with Sharon but I was also very intrigued to give it a try as I was going through a difficult phase in my life . My experience was just phenomenal. After my session I felt a calmness beyond what I’ve ever felt before that lasted several weeks. I also struggled with sleep and nightmares on times and after reiki my sleep improved immensely. Best decision I have made and plan to continue sessions in the future.

Thanks Sharon for all that you do and look forward to Module 2 of Awaken Your Authentic Self.”

Janice Fitzgerald, Spaniards Bay, Newfoundland

“I had an absolutely wonderful Reiki experience with Sharon at her beautiful seaside home. The view was magnificent! The whales put on a show while we chatted. What an experience!! I would highly recommend Reiki with Sharon LeShane. It was both relaxing and revitalizing. She is very talented and insightful. I can’t wait to go again!!  Thank you for a wonderful experience Sharon!”

Paula Brushett, Carbonear, NL

“My first experience with Reiki was with Sharon and I didn’t quite know what to expect. Sharon has a warm and welcoming personality that makes you feel at ease when your around her. I absolutely loved my Reiki experience with her. I could feel tingling as she moved the energy and I left feeling great. I highly recommend Sharon and her services. I will definitely be back!”

Meigan Marie, St. Johns, NL

“I’ve known Sharon since 2018 when I became a College of the North Atlantic business student.  As an instructor, she always goes above and beyond for her students past and present.  Sharon provides a very positive and energetic classroom environment with an attention to each student to try and best fit the learning needs of every individual.

Sharon has helped me navigate some crucial decision-making regarding both my work and personal well-being respectively.  Even though I am over a year past my graduation, she takes it upon herself to go the extra mile for those who need the help.

All these reasons and more are why I fully and completely recommend LeShane Seaside Vitality. She’s the perfect way to help you reach a happier lifestyle.”

Daniel Ellsmere , New Perlican, NL


“My coaching sessions with Sharon has changed my life. I was dealing with anxiety along with health issues when I contacted her for coaching. She has taught me how making meditation a part of my day can make a difference in a person’s life. Developing a routine and sticking to it every day has lessened my anxiety and made me more content with the life I have.”

CC, Newfoundland

“I have to recommend Sharon for her natural sense of compassion and understanding. As a strong teacher and CPA she understands the work life balance that needs to be maintained to further strengthen ones work ethic. This has allowed me to become a more calm and anxiety free individual. Anyone who feels overwhelmed with work would benefit from a session at LeShane Seaside Vitality.”

Don Stone, Carbonear, NL

“Sharon LeShanes’ dedication to detail and devotion to client success makes for a top of the line experience. LeShane Seaside Vitality is the new go to place to be!”

W.W., Broad Cove, NL


“I had never heard of Reiki and was unsure of what to expect. I am open to trying new things and I was at a place in my life where I felt stuck and in a rut. My previous relationship had ended after 4 years and it left me heartbroken and in a very dark place. Then covid happened, I felt even more isolated, alone and stuck.

Sharon came to visit one evening while we were at our summer home and she told me she was training to become a Reiki Practitioner. Me having no knowledge of what Reiki was wanted to know more. After our discussion, I knew it was something I wanted to do for myself. Looking back, I think that visit was fate!

Reiki for me was what I needed to kickstart myself, reevaluate my life, my past experiences, what I wanted, what I expected, and what I was willing to accept in my life going forward. Sharon was very professional, caring and made me feel so relaxed and calm.

During my Reiki session, I physically felt all of the negative energy and tension being pulled literally from my body. I saw colors, pretty, vibrant colors from pinks and purples to blues and greens. Just like fireworks! Sharon was awesome at explaining what was going on and putting me in a calm peaceful place. I had clarity for the first time in a long time. I felt somewhat free, clear, revived and had energy but was relaxed.

I loved my Reiki experience and I will be returning to Sharon for future sessions.”

Stacey Garland, St. Johns, NL

“My first time experiencing Reiki was with Sharon and she immediately put me at ease. The experience was surprising and healing all at the same time. While I have known Sharon for over 30 years, she did not know that I had a full hysterectomy due to stage 1 cancer 2.5 years prior to doing my Reiki session. She was “brought” to this area of my body and did extensive work where I felt something being pulled out of that now empty place.

What I didn’t realize was that I had replaced my uterus and ovaries with anxiety, fear, grief, and tension as I am still within my 5 year window of possible cancer reoccurrence – “has it returned” “will it return” “where will it be found next”. Through Reiki, Sharon removed all the anxiety, fear, grief and tension and replaced it with peace and healing.

After the session, with tears of gratitude, I shared my diagnosis and surgery with Sharon – a very private experience for me. We both sat in grace at what we had just experienced together.

I will forever be grateful for the peace and strength that Sharon gave me that day! I am 2 years – 4 examinations – away from being classified as cancer-free.

I am grateful that I am now able to approach each examination with strength, peace and resilience. I am enjoying life and all that it provides me and have happiness within my soul.

Thank you Sharon for being the gentle conduit of peace and healing.”

Cathy, St. Johns, NL

“I had a reiki session with Sharon over the summer and I must admit that it was a great experience. She was very well versed in the reiki session and it was very relaxing. Even the next day I had plenty of energy for my workout yet felt mentally relaxed.”

RT, Carbonear, NL

“I had never tried reiki before. I didn’t even know what it was to be honest. After speaking to Sharon I decided to give it a try. It was very relaxing. Sharon was very professional and courteous.  The area is beautiful and peaceful for these types of sessions.
I had such a wonderful experience and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I left feeling much calmer and centred. I would highly recommend anyone who is interested to give it a try. You won’t regret it.”

Tiffany Green, Carbonear, NL

“I had been working on my personal wellness. I struggle with what is referred to “the noise in your head”.  After a family member told me about reiki and how it can calm the mind, and after much debate in my head, I decided to give it a try. Knowing little to nothing about reiki, Sharon made me feel comfortable and walked me through the process in detail. I’m glad I did it. It’s emotionally and physically healing. I highly recommend you give it a try.”

MW, Western Bay, NL

“I have known Sharon for over ten years, her positive high energy and enthusiasm for living your best life is certainly contagious. If your looking to bring, peace, joy, and tranquility to your life I highly recommend LeShane Seaside Vitality. My experience with Sharon’s Reiki sessions and meditation are very relaxing and peaceful, which is an experience that I would recommend for anyone to try.”

Tonia Squires, Sibleys Cove, NL


“Sharon is a wonderful practitioner, not to mention the view I feel so much better more relaxed and just wonderful. I highly recommend LeShane Seaside Vitality.”

Julie Hyde, Ochre Pit Cove, NL

“Sharon introduced me to reiki shortly after she tried it for the first time.  I had no idea what reiki was but I did try a session.  Then in 2020 Sharon trained in reiki and asked if I would like to try a session with her.  She needed cases to get her reiki certification.  Before the session, she explained what reiki was and how it works and it helped me understand what it was.  She recommend that I be hydrated before and after the session.

During the sessions with Sharon I felt so much heat, tingling and saw a lot of colored lights, especially purple.  It was powerful and relaxing and I could feel a release of tension and negative energy.  I had a headache before the session but Sharon didn’t know.  However, during the session, she placed her hands around my head for a long time so when I told her after it made sense and after the session, my headache pain was gone.

Sharon and I have been friends for a long time and she not only introduced me to reiki but to meditation, numerology and angel energy.  She has really helped me with healing of my mind and body.

Reiki and guided meditations with Sharon has helped my healing from the loss of my nephew.  Her coaching and guidance has also helped me better support my family. She encourages me to be more mindful, the importance of self-care and supports me on this spiritual healing journey.

I am so thankful to have her as a friend and happy she has started her business to help others.  Believe you me they won’t be disappointed because she is kind, caring, compassionate and very professional.”

Christine Reid, Lower Island Cove, NL