The sun still in the evening sky
Birds were chirping happily
The world would never be the same
My teenage years ruined by tragedy
I will never forget that summer evening
He took her from our lives
So senseless was her passing
Due to his decision to drink and drive
Not only her did he take from this life
Her friend lost her life too
Two white caskets for their eternal rest
A funeral to be forgotten by few
My brothers were only young
As the oldest I was told to be strong
My parents needed that to help them through their loss
Not dealing with my own feelings for so long
Her smiling face was gone forever
Her laughter just a memory
Left a void that could not be filled
Pain that was too much to bear
Escaped from reality to cope
Relocation and University gave me false hope
Visits home were silently painful in her absence
Her bunk bed no longer adjacent to mine
Her angelic voice never more of this earth
My grief was never addressed
Music would not be the same without her
My singing voice took a rest
Over twenty years since that dark day
And the pain can still be difficult to bear
It is true that time eventually heals all wounds
But the memories are always there
The emptiness could not be filled
The loneliness is still there
But I can finally smile when I think of her
Even though I still wish she was here
Now that I have a child of my own
I’ve put my feelings of grief in their place
But hope I never have to experience
The tragedy my parents had to face
Music once again has meaning
Even though she is no more of this earth
I want our family traditions to be passed on
More than ever since my sons birth
I have accepted her death
But the tears still sometimes fall
As a Mother, I am happy again
I don’t want the sadness to be passed on
Now that these words have been written
An invisible weights been lifted
I happily share my love of music with family and friends
Who themselves are musically gifted
I do wish to see and hold her again
And long to hear her sing
Until then, I will be thankful for all my blessings
On the other side,
we will meet again,
and together our voices will ring
In loving memory of my dear sister, Darlene Doyle, she transitioned from this life at age 11 with her friend Karen Delaney who was 12. It was a tragic car accident in our hometown of Northern bay Newfoundland. on the evening of Saturday, July 14, 1984.
I love and miss you, Darlene
Written by Sharon LeShane on June 19, 2005