

What happens in a typical Laya Yoga Session?

Breathing techniques and warm up lead into yoga postures and chakra clearing practices. Peaceful meditation in Shavasana blissfully closes each session.

What is Laya Yoga?

Laya yoga incorporates the 8 limbs of yoga and is a combination of four yoga styles: Mantra, Hatha, Kriya and Raja (Meditation). It is an ancient yoga stye that focuses on calming the nervous system, clearing the chakras and energy channels (nadis), awakening kundalini and raising consciousness with the goal of divine union.

Laya yoga uses pranayama/breath techniques, kriyas/practices, asanas/postures,   mudras/gestures, mantras/Sanskrit sounds and bandhas/body locks.

A goal of Laya yoga is to  “dissolve the ego”, however, it is more precise that we educate and retrain the ego.  By removing old automatic programs that no longer serve us, we see, accept and fully integrate all parts of ourselves. Meditation, mindfulness, compassion, acceptance, self love and awareness are practiced to support this integration.

The ultimate goal of Laya Yoga is to achieve a state of oneness with universal consciousness, transcend the limitations of the individual ego and experience the bliss of Samadhi.


Group Yoga Sessions offered in Carbonear and other locations.  For schedule, please check Facebook, Instagram or Contact Sharon for more information.
Private Customized Yoga Sessions are available and when aligned, yoga is incorporated into the self care routine and chakra clearing practices for private Transformative Coaching clients. Contact Sharon for more information.

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